Rave voor de Rafelranden

The demonstration for everyone who believes that creativity should have more space and who recognises that Utrecht is becoming less diverse.
Date & Time
May 11, 2024 13:00
May 11, 2024 19:00
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Rave voor de Rafelranden

The demonstration for everyone who believes that creativity should have more space and who recognises that Utrecht is becoming less diverse.

Rave voor de Rafelranden

11 May
11 May
11 May

Once again, we will be joining the Rave voor de Rafelranden with our Grounded mobile Soundsystem!

The description of the organizers:

In municipal policy documents, people often write about us, the fringes of the city. These indispensable fringes are the places that are set up and designed by a community from the bottom up, on its own initiative and out of passion, such as squats, residential communities and autonomous creative breeding grounds.

In the fringed edges, idiosyncratic minds engage in independent cultural production, averse to the market forces that have a hold on the rest of the city, and where human values ​​such as inclusivity, solidarity and collectivity are central. After the introduction of the squatting ban in October 2010 and with the disappearance of the Counterculture festival, many of these types of places have been wiped off the map of the Utrecht cultural landscape or forced to go underground due to threatened evictions, so that we as fringes are often no longer visible. to a wide audience. We have lost some of our accessibility.

Those frayed edges about which so much has already been said are us. We are people with a face, we are people with a story, we are people with a history. We are just like others, but we still do not feel at home in the city as it is now. We are what makes a city. We are the people who build and maintain your city, the people who take care of your grandma when she's sick, who unclog your sink when you've filled it up with trash. We are the people who paint your wall if you want a different color. We are your children, your friends, your family, your colleagues, your neighbors.

We are the people who can create from freedom, who can have fun with waste, who enjoy without consuming. We are people with feelings, with passion, people with dreams, people like you!

We are the underground current that stirs the city.

We are the people!

We're here!

If you would like to read more about our vision and what we stand for, you will find our Manifesto here.

Rave voor de Rafelranden

The demonstration for everyone who believes that creativity should have more space and who recognises that Utrecht is becoming less diverse.
Date & Time
May 11, 2024 13:00
May 11, 2024 19:00
More infoGet ticket


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